Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Positive Headlines

FINALLY SOME REALISTIC (AND YES POSITIVE) HEADLINES ABOUT SO CAL REAL ESTATE… The news varied from a positive “negative headline” such as “O.C. homebuilder’s woes may reach bottom in ‘08” (OC Register, Lansner), to a downright positive headline such as “Ignore the Headlines! Except this one. Sure housing’s in a hole. But there’s a potent case for buying now, whether it’s real estate or stocks.” (Time Magazine, Keadlec). What is the reason for the sudden optimism within the broader pessimism? The answer to that question is a multitude of factors that this newsletter has been drumming into you for the past few months; factors such as low interest rates, selection, seller concessions, lack of competition and ultimately, more bang for your buck. Both of the articles mentioned above really hinge on mortgage rates as key. Jeff Meyers, the founder of the Meyers Builder Advisors consultancy in Corona Del Mar notes the loan limit changes as bringing liquidity to the market. He states, “…2008 will be the bottom year for builders in Orange County.” The time magazine article says if you are, “emotionally ready to be a homeowner, you have good credit, plan to stay put for five years and have been waiting for the perfect entry point… It’s time to get serious--- before an inevitable rise in interest rates wipes out your advantage.” There may be some plausible arguments to waiting for prices to finish falling in other parts of the country where appreciation isn’t the foregone conclusion to this story. But it’s tough to sit out in California. Housing prices have not fallen as fast as the doomsayers predicted. It has been a correction, just as this newsletter stated over a year ago. Will prices continue to come down? Yes, there is probably some air left in the balloon. But if you’re not careful rising interest rates will be buoying up that balloon that you want to see fall. Prices aren’t everything. Leverage is. (For copies of these articles, give me a call)


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